Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's impossible....

... To get a decent picture of my children that is!

No matter how hard I try. I can never get them to sit still long enough to snap a few pictures.

A few days back, a break in between a lot of rainy days, we decided to go across the street to take pictures in the field. When we got over there, mushrooms were spotted by the older two. They were fascinated! Not only with the mushrooms, but also with the bugs! Eeew! Now, usually, my kids are scared to death of BUGS! But, not this time. I think it was just because they were looking for a distraction to get out of pictures.

When I asked them to come over by Madison to take some pictures... it was like pulling teeth! They wanted nothing to do with it. They just wanted to see those bugs! I finally got them over for a few seconds. But I didn't get many pictures at all. In fact, I only got 2 decent ones. But, I am actually not to disappointed with them. They show the true character of my children. They have developed a hate for my camera. You can definitely tell they are the children of a pursuing photographer!

This is the second decent one I was able to take.
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I am debating on whether or not I want to get one on a canvas to hang in the living room!!!
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1 comment:

Jess said...

Yeah, kids never co-operate! :)


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