I'm still here. Just haven't been on the computer that much! With three kids to chase around, it's not always easy to make time to get on here!
Anyway, life has been great! Things are going well. Kids are healthy. Adults are healthy as well!!!
We're in the midst of still figuring out this whole mandatory move that the base is making us do. So, I am trying to get myself ready for packing our house up to move to the next. But, my mind is not liking the thoughts of that very much. We live in a Historic House here on base. The houses are gorgeous, but pretty out of date. They were built in the 1930's. So, they are finally deciding to renovate them and bring them up to par. Unfortunately, they decided to do it all at once and have EVERYONE move, rather than do it slowly as people move out. Don't ask me, I will never understand Pinnacle/Hunt. So, we are trying to figure out a move as well as our vacation coming up at the end of May. That on top of appointments and such. Just lots going on.
But, we have made lots of time for family stuff! Whether it be walking or going to the park. This past weekend we made it up to the air show! So, we have been enjoying some good quality time together :) It's been nice!
May is really going to be a hectic month for us. Mackenzie is graduating from KINDERGARTEN! I just can't process that thought. Kindergarten. I am assuming they will be having a graduation. I am hoping they are. Mackenzie's teacher isn't very good about communicating with the parents. So, I am not sure what is going on. She tends to send notices home VERY last minute ( like school pictures, she sent the notice home the day before, ulgh!). The day after school ends, the kids ALL have a dentist apt. and then the next day, we are heading up to NY. At some point in there I need to make a re-scheduled dentist apt for myself and I need to get Nicholas in to the optometrist so they can refer him to an ophthalmologist for some sight issues that his occupational therapist has picked up on.
Other than that? I just ordered my Westcott reflector kit
!!! I am pretty excited to try it out!!!! The reflector I have now just isn't cutting it. I am also going to be ordering CS5 within the next week or two! I DEFINITELY can't wait for that!!! I have a few photo shoots lined up for when we go back home to NY. So, these tools will definitely be nice to have! I am so excited about CS5! There are some new features on it that sound INCREDIBLE!!!! And they will definitely help ease work flow bit! Next Photography related purchase will be the Canon 85 1.8
Anyway, not much else. I'll end with a few pictures from the air show and the park :)
The air show was this past weekend. We usually go both days. But, this weekend we just went Saturday. Traffic was INSANE! They had it about 2 weeks early this year, so it was surprisingly a bit cooler than the past years we have gone. We didn't walk around much. We just went to get a good seat on the flight line and watch the show. We went to the "Twilight show" the night before. The kids were able to see the planes on the flight line without the big crowds.
Maddy was quite grumpy the whole time and really just wanted to be held. We were there during her nap time. So we should have expected as much.
The kids loved the planes though!
Madison was lookin like a lil Marilyn ;)
The B-2 Stealth Bomber
B-52 Bomber
Madison was being a monkey... monkey see, monkey do :)
More Thunderbirds
After a while she started to enjoy herself :)
Madison passed out about 5 minutes in to our HOUR car ride home. (the flightline is only 2 streets up from us, but we decided to take the car for some dumb reason. NOT happening next year. We walked last year.)
On Sunday we went to the park and met up with my friend Trish and her little boy Rouhan. He is such a little cutie! He and Mackenzie were in the same Pre-K class last year. And we lived just a few houses apart. The kids have stayed good friends even though we have moved and they were in different schools for a bit. They are back in the same school, just different bus and different class.
It was pretty windy on Sunday!!! Rouhan was hanging on for dear life ;)
It's never easy trying to get kids to stay still and look at the camera for a deent picture. But, a decent picture wouldn't show off those funny kid personalities, would they!!!!???
Rouhan really is a sweet boy! Mackenzie has told me several times that when she gets older she is going to marry him!!!
I think Nicholas and his daddy look a lot alike! LOL! Not sure what Maddybug was thinking! hehe!
This crane just wanted to chill out by everyone! It came closer several times, but the kids kept shooing it away.
The kids always have a ton of fun at the duck pond park! This time Madison was TOTALLY loving the slides!!!! But she hated the swings. It used to be the other way around! Lol!
: D
1 comment:
Oh!!!!! Our air show is this Saturday, we're really really excited :)
That was one heck of a blog post!
And booo to having to move. What are you going to do??
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