Monday, October 25, 2010

It's been busy. Busy. BUSY!

Goodness, I have been .SWAMPED. lately!!! But, I am loving it! Between the kids, the husband, the house, the sessions, the editing, etc. I feel like I have been non-stop as of late! It's been fun though! And we have only had 2 cases of strep and a small cold or two in the past few weeks! Not too bad considering how the past few Fall's have gone!

So, some exciting news.....

I WON!!!! x2!!!!! Hehe!!!!

First, I won a contest from All Things Baby! I won a copy of The Easy Accounting Solution For The Photographer! WHEW! Seriously guys, I.NEEDED.THIS!When it comes to the accounting and really "business" side of photography, I am a bit lost! I LOVE what I do!! I capture memories!! I freeze time for someone to hold on to forever!!! I do not however, love the tedious accounting part! So, this will be a HUGE help for me!!! SERIOUSLY!

The second contest I won.... well, it's pretty awesome too!!!! A friend of mine, that I met on Xanga a few years ago, was holding a contest! Lori, from Melon and Pebble has some seriously awesome stuff!!! {do I say seriously too much?? Seriously!!} I have admired her work since she started! And I am so so so happy to have won her contest! She's awesome!!! I can't wait to get The Curious Fox hat and try it out on a little one!!! Me = EXCITED!!! YAY!

So, other than contests going on, there really hasn't been too much! Other than my oldest making A HONOR ROLL!!!!!! I am one proud momma!!!! She has been doing fantastic in school!!! She LOVES math! I mean really!!!! It is her best subject!!!! I always thought math was fun, so she must have gotten that from me. Her daddy however... NOT a fan of it! LOL!

Anyway, I know this is short and sweet. But, it has seriously taken me most of the day to write it! I have been up and down and back and forth. So much to do! I have pictures from a beauty pageant to finish up and get online! And I have a proofing session here in a bit! So, it's been busy!

Hopefully I will have some more time to update soon :) And pictures! I needs some fall pictures of my kids! I've got the pumpkins! Now I need the cooperative kids! HA!
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