Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I think my theme for this whole series may just stay at 365+1adaylate! Lol! I keep trying to keep up, but it just never works out! But hey, at least I am kind of keeping up! I really thought I would slack by weeks at a time! So far, I'm going pretty good!

Yesterday, we had an asthma appointment for Mackenzie. I was really hoping that the cooler Alaska air would help her out. And it has, some. She has been having a hard time in gym and recess. I got a phone call on Friday that she was having a hard time. So, we got her in to the dr ASAP to readjust her meds. Hopefully this helps her out and she can participate in PE more!

I'm still in that shocked stage. She's 8! She looks so grown up now :(
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