Friday, December 11, 2009

Rita's CoffeeShop Blog!

I have been a BIG fan of CoffeeShop Action's for a while now. It's seems that Rita is always coming up with something new! And everything she comes up with... well, it's AWESOME! I can't tell you how many time's I use one of Rita's actions. In fact, she has her own little {ok, so NOT so little} section in my actions pallet in my Photoshop program!

I love her storyboard actions and templates! They are a huge help and they save me a lot of time!

Merry Christmas storyboard 1

I also love her regular actions! I think I have pretty much all of them! They are some kind of AMAZING! I think her Perfect Portrait Action is BY FAR my favorite!!! It gives my images the perfect pick me up!!!

_MG_6425 copy

It brightens my pictures!

_MG_6414 copy

It makes the colors POP to perfection!!!!

_MG_5737 copy

It sharpens JUST enough!!!


I could go on about this action forever!

_MG_6186 copy

But, I think in order for you to get a better idea (so I will stop bombarding you with all of my pictures!!!) you need to head over to Rita's CoffeeShop Blog and download her awesome stuff!!! The best part of it all..... can we say... FREE!!!!! :)

I think it is awesome all of these freebies she is giving to Photographers!!! And it isn't just actions. She has storyboards templates, tutorials, etc!!! Go check it out!!!!
Pin It!

1 comment:

Rita said...

Laura, your images are amazing! I love the storyboards. And thank you so much for this incredibly nice plug. :-) Rita


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