Thursday, December 10, 2009

Not so much a baby anymore...

My baby girl is turning ONE!

Madison Joy is turning ONE!!!

My BABY girl, is not so much a BABY anymore...

Madison Joy is turning ONE!!!

It makes me sad. But so incredibly happy at the same time. She is growing and changing so much! She is learning something new everyday it seems! A few days ago it was letting go and throwing herself in to us! {cracking up hysterically in the process}. Over the next couple of days it was trying to steady herself so she could stand on her own. Yesterday, she took her first step by herself! Of course it lead to a crash to the floor, but she was proud of herself none the less! She was beaming! {She will be walking before we know it!} This took place in the Dr's office. The office of her Pediatric Gastro Intestinal Specialist. The Dr who has CLEARED her of her reflux issues today!!! This Dr also gave us the go ahead to start introducing cow's milk to her over the next few weeks!!! Which is good! Because she really likes things made with milk. Especially cake. Cake is yummy!!!

Madison Joy is turning ONE!!!

Once she dug in....
Madison Joy is turning ONE!!!

She just couldn't stop

Madison Joy is turning ONE!!!

And I think I just created a monster...

Madison Joy is turning ONE!!!

I think it would be safe to say

Madison Joy is turning ONE!!!

That Madison REALLY

Madison Joy is turning ONE!!!


Madison Joy is turning ONE!!!

REALLY enjoyed her cake...

Madison Joy is turning ONE!!!

She made a bit of a mess :)

The aftermath...

My baby is turning 1. My LAST baby is no longer a baby... *sniff sniff* We will soon be entering Toddler World once more...

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