.....that I am going to get better about blogging. I guess it is more like I am lying to myself. I really want to get better about it. I just never find the time to do it.
Life is busy, as usual. But, life has been great! No sick kids! Everyone has been rather healthy! And I LOVE that!!! It is so nice to not have to see the kids Dr every week! They all are suffering a tad from their allergies, but their medicine is keeping it mostly under control. Whew!
Summer is in full swing here. Seriously, it is disgusting out there. I don't know why I was expecting otherwise. I thought maybe we would get a break this summer. But nope. We have already hit the lower 90*s! YUCK! I miss the North! After being in the South for over 5 years now, nope, I still can't get used to the heat. Maybe we will get orders soon? Probably not, but a girl can dream!
I was finally able to take my reflector
outside to play! I got it a week and a half ago, but it was broken. So, I had to send it back. But Amazon got right on it and they sent me a new one before they even received the damaged one!! ( +++ points for Amazon!! I LOVE Amazon!). I need to practice a lot more with it. But, so far I am very please!! I do need to figure out some different ways to position Maddybug with it though. That girls has some POWERFUL eye's. But the camera never does them justice. In fact, the camera just makes them look way over processed. When in fact, I don't ever edit her eye's. I will figure something out for them soon, I just need to keep on practicing with her. Too bad she is not one for sitting still so I CAN practice!
But, anyway. As usual. I need to hop off here. Mackenzie will be home shortly and I have a few things I need to get done before she gets here. So, here are a few pictures of course :)
Madison wanted to help figure out the reflector... She gave up quite quickly and decided to eat my lens cap instead.
She doesn't like to sit still anymore!
Thos eye's! Those gorgeous eye's. I wish I could truly capture them. Still working on that. Not sure what is up with her silly expressions. But, I love her!! hehe!!!
This child LOVES the trampoline!!!!
Ok, ok. Last one of Maddybug. But, I just LOVE these shoes!!!!
Let's move on to the little man, shall we?!
He can be really sweet and let mommy take his pictures sometimes!!!!
But then you can slowly see the annoyance drift over his face...
And then he is gone... no more pictures mommy....
So, let's move to Mackenzie... she is always (almost always.. ok, so usually) up for getting her pictures taken! This was right after school a few days ago.
Ok, heading off now :)
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