Monday was our 7th anniversary. Adam and I have been married for 7 wonderful years! ( together for about 12 years!!!! Goodness!!!) I always get mushy gushy around our anniversary! I am always so thankful to God for placing such a wonderful man in my life! He really is my best friend! A perfect companion for me! God knew exactly what he was doing when He matched us up!
Life with my husband has been incredible! It has been such a crazy amazing journey! Don't get me wrong. We have DEFINITELY had our ups and downs. We have hit very rough patches. But, we always pulled through it.God has always been our center strength and pulled us right back together! And I couldn't be more thankful!
Adam is an amazing daddy! There may be times when he acts like more of a kid than the kids! But, that is what makes the kids cling to him so much! They enjoy every second they have with him ( and being a military family, you know that time is extremely precious since it can be gone for months at a time during desployments! ). I love watching him interact and play with them, play dolls, or read books, etc! It seriously makes my heart melt! He isn't just the "fun" parent though. He helps me when it comes time to discipline as well. He doesn't leave the job of being "the bad guy" up to me. He shares that responsibility.
He is such an amazing supporter. He has been so supportive of my dream of becoming a photographer. He encourages me when I feel like I have failed. He picks me back up and makes me realize that I can still accomplish my goals! He even pays for it!!!! I thought for sure that he was going to have a heart attack when I asked him if I could buy my next camera ( the 5D II ), but he sat down with me and we figured out when we could get it! And I did get it. He knows my passion and he boosts my confidence! And I love that about him! He is also very patient with me. I know it is taking me a while to get my dream off the ground here ( having a full time, productive photography business ), but he knows and understands that raising our children comes first! And for right now, I am getting in all of the practice I can!
He is patient in so many other ways too! He doesn't lash out at me when I am having a super emotional day! When I am hormonal, the kids are screaming and crying, I have one attached to my leg and the one in each arm trying to keep them from fighting ( get the picture? ). Instead, he lends me his shoulder to cry on when I have had enough. He will make dinner, do the dishes, clean up the kitchen, fold the laundry, etc. even after working his tail off all day. ( THAT my friends... is LOVE! )
I can't imagine my life any different than it is now! With my amazing husband by my side, our wonderful children ( yes, even when they are fighting non stop and driving me bonkers, they are STILL wonderful!! ), and this crazy military life of ours! As long as we are together, I am happy!
( my gorgeous roses hubby brought home to me! )
1 comment:
Awwwwww! Great post girl! Happy Anniversary to you two! He sounds like a great guy and that you two have a wonderful marriage :) Keep it up :)
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