Goodness, vacation seems like it was already so long ago. We have gotten back in to a normal routine of busy-ness!!! It's been appointments, playdates, and cleaning ( Oh My! ). Plus many other things in there! I haven't had too much of a chance to edit our vacation pictures. But I did get a few days done! I am still working on it though!
So, we left here on the 28th of May. We made the long trek up to TN ( 12 hours with 3 kids 6 and under... ) It surprisingly wasn't that bad! The kids did great! Even the dog did well!!! We hit a few rough spots as far as the weather, and the kids got a bit grumpy here and there. But overall, it was a great trip!
We got up to my brother in law's house that evening and just chilled out for the night! My mother in law and my other brother in law were already there. So, the kids had many family members to reacquaint themselves with! ( and by reacquaint, I mean jump all over and love on! ) We were still waiting on Adam's sister and her husband. We were having a little Craig Family Reunion for the weekend! We haven't all been in the same house ( let alone the same state!! ) in over 2 years. It was time! It was Adam's mom's birthday wish! So, we all worked together and made it happen!
After a good night's sleep ( after 12 hour drives for all of us! The other in laws were coming from NY! ) we got up and spent some more quality time with one another! Then we headed out to Bays Mountain. This wasn't the first time we had been there. We went once before a year and a half ago.
The kids had so much fun running around with Aunt Amanda and Uncle David!!! And of course, they enjoyed hanging out with their cousin Zachary! It was a nice afternoon of looking at the bird's, wolves, deer, and falling asleep in the planetarium ( *ahem* Madison ).We walked around to each exhibit and took pictures! ( of course! ) There were many different birds to look at and several different wolves! But I think the kids had the most fun inside where we say many different exhibits on different kinds of animals as well as planets and stars! We decided to get tickets to see the next planetarium show. The older kids loved it! They loved feeling like they were flying through space! And well, Maddy decided it was a great time to take a nap! Over all, we had a great time though!
Once we finished up at Bays Mountain, we headed over to the barn where Zachary's horse is!
This is Jazz.
Mackenzie and Nicholas were SO excited that they got to ride Jazz! They have never been on a horse before! So, they were ECSTATIC!!!!
Even Nana got on Jazz and took a ride!
After a very full afternoon, we went back to my Brother In Law's house and relaxed a bit! Then we took a nice walk around the property!
Potty break anyone?
( Yes, this is a random outhouse on the side of the road!! LOL! )
TN is just gorgeous!!!!
Next time, Gatlinburg and the Aquarium!
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